addDirectType(Class) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.type.ReturnTypeRule
Adds a class to the set of return types that will trigger inteception.
addFactory(InterceptorFactory) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.DynamicInterceptorStack
Add a factory to the collection of factory to be consulted during a call to DynamicInterceptorStack.getInterceptors(Class, Object).
addFactory(InterceptorFactory) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
addInheritedType(Class) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.type.ReturnTypeRule
Adds a class to the set of return types that will trigger inteception.
addMatchingName(String) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.name.MethodNameRule
addMatchingPattern(String) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.name.MethodPatternRule
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.InterceptorList
always(MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
AndRule - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.rule
An InterceptionRule that forms a logical "and" of two other rules.
AndRule(InterceptionRule, InterceptionRule) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.AndRule
AnnotationNotPresentRule - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.annotation
An InterceptionRule that tests for the absence of a specific Annotation.
AnnotationNotPresentRule(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.annotation.AnnotationNotPresentRule
AnnotationPresentRule - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.annotation
An InterceptionRule that tests for the presence of a specific Annotation.
AnnotationPresentRule(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.annotation.AnnotationPresentRule


BadEnumValue - Exception in net.sf.tie.ext.util
RuntimeException thrown when an unexpected enum value is encountered.
BadEnumValue(Enum<?>) - Constructor for exception net.sf.tie.ext.util.BadEnumValue


CachingInjector - Class in net.sf.tie.ext
An InterceptionInjector that delegates to another injector, and caches the result.
CachingInjector(InterceptionInjector) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.CachingInjector
CachingRule - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.rule
CachingRule(InterceptionRule) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.CachingRule
clearCache() - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.CachingInjector
ConditionalInterceptor - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.rule
A ConditionalInterceptor consults an InterceptionRule to detemine which methods should be intercepted.
ConditionalInterceptor(InterceptionRule, MethodInterceptor) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.ConditionalInterceptor
createInstance() - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.TieFactoryBean


defineService(Class<T>, T) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.registry.InterceptedServiceRegistry
done() - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
DynamicInterceptorFactory - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.factory
Makes use of an InterceptionRule to facilitate the conditional inclusion of an interceptor.
DynamicInterceptorFactory(InterceptionRule, MethodInterceptor) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.factory.DynamicInterceptorFactory
DynamicInterceptorStack - Class in net.sf.tie.ext
A DynamicInterceptorStack uses a list of InterceptorFactory to build the interceptor stack for each required endPoint.
DynamicInterceptorStack() - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.DynamicInterceptorStack


empty() - Static method in class net.sf.tie.InterceptorStack
Creates an empty stack.
The returned stack is implemented such that the MethodInterceptorStack.getInterceptors(Class, Object) method will always return an empty iterable.


find(Class<T>) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.registry.InterceptedServiceRegistry
This method provides a "last chance" opportunity to find an implementation of a service.


get(Class<T>) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.registry.InterceptedServiceRegistry
get(Class<T>) - Method in interface net.sf.tie.ext.registry.ServiceRegistry
getInterceptor(Class<T>, T) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.factory.DynamicInterceptorFactory
getInterceptor(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface net.sf.tie.ext.factory.InterceptorFactory
getInterceptor(Class<T>, T) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.factory.SimpleInterceptorFactory
getInterceptors(Class<T>, T) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.DynamicInterceptorStack
Consults the collection of InterceptorFactory instances to build an interception stack.
The factories will be consulted in the order in which they are added - the first factory added will be the first one consulted, and any interceptor it creates will be at the top of the stack.
A factory may return null if it does not have an interceptor to provide.
getInterceptors(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface net.sf.tie.MethodInterceptorStack
getMethodDeclaration() - Method in interface net.sf.tie.WrappedMethodInvocation
This method exists for orthogonality with WrappedMethodInvocation.getMethodImplementation(), but will always return the same value as MethodInvocation.getMethod().
getMethodImplementation() - Method in interface net.sf.tie.WrappedMethodInvocation
getObject() - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.InterceptorList
getObjectType() - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.InterceptorList
getObjectType() - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.TieFactoryBean


InstanceOfRule - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.type
InterceptionRule that tests whether the object to be intercepted is an instance of a specified class or interface.
InstanceOfRule(Class<?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.type.InstanceOfRule
InterceptedServiceRegistry - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.registry
The InterceptedServiceRegistry creates a ServiceRegistry where all service implementations are automatically intercepted.
InterceptedServiceRegistry(MethodInterceptorStack) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.registry.InterceptedServiceRegistry
InterceptedServiceRegistry(InterceptionInjector) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.registry.InterceptedServiceRegistry
InterceptedServiceRegistry.NoSuchServiceException - Exception in net.sf.tie.ext.registry
InterceptedServiceRegistry.NoSuchServiceException(Class<?>) - Constructor for exception net.sf.tie.ext.registry.InterceptedServiceRegistry.NoSuchServiceException
InterceptionBuilder - Class in net.sf.tie.ext
A builder class for generating interceptor stacks.
InterceptionBuilder() - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
InterceptionInjector - Interface in net.sf.tie
An InterceptionInjector wraps objects to support method interception.
InterceptionRule - Interface in net.sf.tie.ext.rule
An InterceptionRule works in conjunction with a DynamicInterceptorFactory and/or a ConditionalInterceptor to provide conditionl interception of objects.
InterceptorFactory - Interface in net.sf.tie.ext.factory
Provides MethodInterceptor implementations to a DynamicInterceptorStack.
InterceptorList - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.spring
A bean designed to be used in a spring bean factory (or application context) to transform a list of MethodInterceptor beans into a MethodInterceptorStack.
InterceptorList() - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.InterceptorList
InterceptorStack - Class in net.sf.tie
A utilty class for creating a MethodInterceptorStack.
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.factory.MultiInterceptor
Adapts invocation to inject the provided interceptors into the chain.
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor.NoOpInterceptor
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor.SynchronizedInterceptor
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor.WrapReturnValueInterceptor
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.ConditionalInterceptor
isCachingEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
isMatch(Method) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.name.MethodNameRule
isMatch(Method) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.name.MethodPatternRule
isSingleton() - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.InterceptorList
isWrapped(Object) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.CachingInjector
isWrapped(Object) - Method in interface net.sf.tie.InterceptionInjector
Determines whether the supplied value is a wrapped value from this interceptor.
isWrapped(Object) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ProxyInjector


matchMethod(Class<? extends Object>, Method) - Static method in class net.sf.tie.internal.MethodFinder
MethodFinder - Class in net.sf.tie.internal
This class in an internal class inside Tie.
MethodFinder() - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.internal.MethodFinder
MethodInterceptionStrategy - Enum in net.sf.tie.ext.rule
Describes the strategy for how a given method should be intercepted.
MethodInterceptorStack - Interface in net.sf.tie
The MethodInterceptorStack determines which MethodInterceptor implementations should be injected into each object.
MethodNameRule - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.name
An InterceptionRule that does an exact match of a method's name.
MethodNameRule() - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.name.MethodNameRule
MethodNameRule(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.name.MethodNameRule
MethodPatternRule - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.name
An InterceptionRule that does a regular expression match on a method's name.
MethodPatternRule() - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.name.MethodPatternRule
MethodPatternRule(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.name.MethodPatternRule
MultiInterceptor - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.factory
A MultiInterceptor wraps a collections of interceptors, behind a single invoke call.
MultiInterceptor(Iterable<MethodInterceptor>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.factory.MultiInterceptor


net.sf.tie - package net.sf.tie
Tie is a simple method interception framework.
net.sf.tie.ext - package net.sf.tie.ext
net.sf.tie.ext.annotation - package net.sf.tie.ext.annotation
net.sf.tie.ext.factory - package net.sf.tie.ext.factory
net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor - package net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor
The interceptor package contains useful implementations of MethodInterceptor.
net.sf.tie.ext.name - package net.sf.tie.ext.name
net.sf.tie.ext.registry - package net.sf.tie.ext.registry
The registry package creates a simple interface for looking up implementations of a service interface.
net.sf.tie.ext.rule - package net.sf.tie.ext.rule
net.sf.tie.ext.spring - package net.sf.tie.ext.spring
The net.sf.tie.ext.spring package provides support for integrating tie with spring.
net.sf.tie.ext.type - package net.sf.tie.ext.type
net.sf.tie.ext.util - package net.sf.tie.ext.util
net.sf.tie.internal - package net.sf.tie.internal
The net.sf.tie.internal package cntains classes that are internal and private to Tie, but cannot be made package private.
NoOpInterceptor - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor
The NoOpInterceptor simply allows the invocation to proceed without doing anything.
NoOpInterceptor() - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor.NoOpInterceptor
NotInstanceOfRule - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.type
InterceptionRule that tests whether the object to be intercepted is not an instance of a specified class or interface.
NotInstanceOfRule(Class<?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.type.NotInstanceOfRule
NotRule - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.rule
Inverts an InterceptionRule
NotRule(InterceptionRule) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.NotRule
NullInterface - Interface in net.sf.tie.ext.util
This utility interface exists to allow values of type Object to be proxied as interfaces.


ObjectInterceptionStrategy - Enum in net.sf.tie.ext.rule
Describes the strategy for how a given object should be intercepted.
OrRule - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.rule
Forms a logical "or" of two other InterceptionRule implementations
OrRule(InterceptionRule, InterceptionRule) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.OrRule


ProxyInjector - Class in net.sf.tie
An implementation of InterceptionInjector that uses Java dynamic proxies (Proxy).
ProxyInjector(MethodInterceptorStack) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ProxyInjector


removeFromCache(Object) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.CachingInjector
ReturnTypeRule - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.type
InterceptionRule that tests whether the method to be intercepted returns a specified class or interface.
ReturnTypeRule() - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.type.ReturnTypeRule


ServiceRegistry - Interface in net.sf.tie.ext.registry
setBeanFactory(BeanFactory) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.InterceptorList
setBeanName(String) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.InterceptorList
setCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
setDependencyCheck(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.InterceptorList
setEndPoint(Object) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.TieFactoryBean
setInjector(InterceptionInjector) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor.WrapReturnValueInterceptor
setInjector(InterceptionInjector) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.TieFactoryBean
setInterceptionStack(MethodInterceptorStack) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.TieFactoryBean
setInterceptors(List) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.InterceptorList
setInterface(Class) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.TieFactoryBean
setInterfaceName(String) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.TieFactoryBean
shouldIntercept(Class<T>, T, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.annotation.AnnotationNotPresentRule
Inspects interfc and target and determines the correct ObjectInterceptionStrategy to use based on the presence (or otherwise) of the specific annotation.
shouldIntercept(WrappedMethodInvocation, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.annotation.AnnotationNotPresentRule
shouldIntercept(Class<T>, T, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.annotation.AnnotationPresentRule
Inspects interfc and target and determines the correct ObjectInterceptionStrategy to use based on the presence (or otherwise) of the specific annotation.
shouldIntercept(WrappedMethodInvocation, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.annotation.AnnotationPresentRule
shouldIntercept(Class<T>, T, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.AndRule
shouldIntercept(WrappedMethodInvocation, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.AndRule
shouldIntercept(Class<T>, T, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.CachingRule
shouldIntercept(WrappedMethodInvocation, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.CachingRule
shouldIntercept(Class<T>, T, MethodInterceptor) - Method in interface net.sf.tie.ext.rule.InterceptionRule
shouldIntercept(WrappedMethodInvocation, MethodInterceptor) - Method in interface net.sf.tie.ext.rule.InterceptionRule
shouldIntercept(Class<T>, T, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.NotRule
shouldIntercept(WrappedMethodInvocation, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.NotRule
shouldIntercept(Class<T>, T, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.OrRule
shouldIntercept(WrappedMethodInvocation, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.rule.OrRule
shouldIntercept(Class<T>, T, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.type.InstanceOfRule
shouldIntercept(WrappedMethodInvocation, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.type.InstanceOfRule
In theory, this method should never be called as InstanceOfRule.shouldIntercept(Class, Object, MethodInterceptor) never returns ObjectInterceptionStrategy.INTERCEPT_SOME_METHODS_ON_OBJECT (or similar).
shouldIntercept(Class<T>, T, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.type.NotInstanceOfRule
shouldIntercept(WrappedMethodInvocation, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.type.NotInstanceOfRule
In theory, this method should never be called as NotInstanceOfRule.shouldIntercept(Class, Object, MethodInterceptor) never returns ObjectInterceptionStrategy.INTERCEPT_SOME_METHODS_ON_OBJECT (or similar).
shouldIntercept(Class<T>, T, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.type.ReturnTypeRule
shouldIntercept(WrappedMethodInvocation, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.type.ReturnTypeRule
SimpleInterceptorFactory - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.factory
The SimpleInterceptorFactory adapts a pre-constructed MethodInterceptor to be an InterceptorFactory.
SimpleInterceptorFactory(MethodInterceptor) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.factory.SimpleInterceptorFactory
singleton(MethodInterceptor) - Static method in class net.sf.tie.InterceptorStack
Creates a stack containing a single MethodInterceptor.
The returned stack is implemented such that the MethodInterceptorStack.getInterceptors(Class, Object) method will always return the single interceptor, interceptor.
stack(Iterable<MethodInterceptor>) - Static method in class net.sf.tie.InterceptorStack
Creates a stack containing a collection of MethodInterceptor objects.
The returned stack is implemented such that the MethodInterceptorStack.getInterceptors(Class, Object) method will always return stack.
SynchronizedInterceptor - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor
The SynchronizedInterceptor applies a synchronization block (using a provided "lock" object) around each method invocation.
SynchronizedInterceptor(Object) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor.SynchronizedInterceptor


TieBeanDefinition<T> - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.spring
A BeanDefinition that is specifically used to configure a TieFactoryBean into a spring BeanFactory.
TieBeanDefinition(MethodInterceptorStack, Class<T>, T) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.TieBeanDefinition
TieBeanDefinition(ProxyInjector, Class<T>, T) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.TieBeanDefinition
TieFactoryBean - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.spring
An immplementation of the spring class FactoryBean to support using a tie MethodInterceptorStack to proxy another class into a spring BeanFactory.
TieFactoryBean() - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.spring.TieFactoryBean


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.tie.ext.rule.MethodInterceptionStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.tie.ext.rule.ObjectInterceptionStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.tie.ext.rule.MethodInterceptionStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.tie.ext.rule.ObjectInterceptionStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.


whenBoth(InterceptionRule, InterceptionRule, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
whenEither(InterceptionRule, InterceptionRule, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
whenInstanceOf(Class<?>, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
whenNotInstanceOf(Class<?>, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
whenNotPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
whenPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
whenRuleDoesntMatch(InterceptionRule, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
whenRuleMatches(InterceptionRule, MethodInterceptor) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.InterceptionBuilder
wrapObject(Class<T>, T) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ext.CachingInjector
wrapObject(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface net.sf.tie.InterceptionInjector
Wraps the designated object endPoint in any preconfigured MethodInterceptors.
wrapObject(Class<T>, T) - Method in class net.sf.tie.ProxyInjector
WrappedMethodInvocation - Interface in net.sf.tie
Extends the AOP Alliance's MethodInvocation interface with the concept of a method implementation.
WrapReturnValueInterceptor - Class in net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor
This MethodInterceptor will use a supplied InterceptionInjector to wrap any compatible return value with an interceptor stack.
WrapReturnValueInterceptor() - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor.WrapReturnValueInterceptor
If this constructor is used (in preference to WrapReturnValueInterceptor.WrapReturnValueInterceptor(InterceptionInjector)) then the WrapReturnValueInterceptor.setInjector(net.sf.tie.InterceptionInjector) method must be callled prior to the first invocation.
WrapReturnValueInterceptor(InterceptionInjector) - Constructor for class net.sf.tie.ext.interceptor.WrapReturnValueInterceptor