Class ProxyInjector

  extended by net.sf.tie.ProxyInjector
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProxyInjector
extends Object
implements InterceptionInjector

An implementation of InterceptionInjector that uses Java dynamic proxies (Proxy).

Constructor Summary
ProxyInjector(MethodInterceptorStack interceptors)
Method Summary
 boolean isWrapped(Object value)
          Determines whether the supplied value is a wrapped value from this interceptor.
<T> T
wrapObject(Class<T> type, T endPoint)
          Wraps the designated object endPoint in any preconfigured MethodInterceptors.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ProxyInjector(MethodInterceptorStack interceptors)
Method Detail


public <T> T wrapObject(Class<T> type,
                        T endPoint)
Description copied from interface: InterceptionInjector
Wraps the designated object endPoint in any preconfigured MethodInterceptors. Returns an object O, such that if a method M is invoked on O, then the provided interceptors will be called, prior to an invocation of the original method M on endPoint. It is acceptable for implementations to return the endPoint directly if there is no interception to perform, or if the interception can be performed without constructing additional objects. However, it is typical for the return value to be a dynamically created proxy around endPoint.

Specified by:
wrapObject in interface InterceptionInjector
type - The java type (typically an interface) which the returned object should implement.
See Also:


public boolean isWrapped(Object value)
Description copied from interface: InterceptionInjector
Determines whether the supplied value is a wrapped value from this interceptor. NB: If value has been wrapped multiple times, then only the injector that performed the last wrapping is required to return true. It is acceptible for all other interceptors to return false.

Specified by:
isWrapped in interface InterceptionInjector